anna from hocking stuart classified material and not legally in possession of four of personal gain and profit is not a crime. i think that's a harder question because it involves the news gathering function could have first amend implications that something probably a better answer by the army justice. after that hearing writers zeroed in on a particular reporter. he told politico that investigative journalist glenn greenwald was at the ifs for stealing government information. at that time greenwald published the leaks you work for the guardian now a freelance is from various news organizations and continues to publish information week to buy his source. he maintained that he never sold the documents and has been cleaning out the store since the accusations he greeted me with something that has become pretty sick about the dc political culture and the adl prosecuting journalists is now on this mean streak. for more than a baby on and journalists and their sources i spoke earlier to journalists and wiki link spokesperson christian conscience and should first ask him what he thought of t