hodding carter iii. i'm looking forward to meeting hodding carter iii. i admired him tremendously right after the immediate seizure of the hostages. where he had to go out everyday for the state department and the government and explain to all those reporters what was going on. you got to be fairly cool because they try to-- >> oh, yeah. >> throw you some curves, knowing the press. starting shopping yet? >> not yet. >> you really-- >> i always like to wait until the last minute, yes. >> wait until the last minute. i don't believe that you wait until the day before. you say you do, but how can you wait until the day before? >> a man can do you go to a store, you say-- >> wow. >> i want the following trinket. you ought to write that down. >> i want to put that on stone tablets-- "a man can do what he wants to do." >> i go to certain stores-- there's certain shops you go to where they not only allow you to shop-- >> yes. >> but they also entertain you. >> what do you mean? >> young ladies will come over and they bring you sustenance. >> do they have those k