if the parents say if you don't listen and don't do your hoeshths dr. chu kick you out of school. i'm saying we're trying to change our students and children to respect authority and not be afraid of authority. and another thing we do with our students is the police department also takes them on field trips duo to angel island. it has a historical value as most of you know that. our families have spent time there my father and grandfather have spent time there. but kids this age this generation have no concept so it's good they get that exposure. furthermore, the officers could by and say hi. the parents have to help us with that. a lot of the kids go to the house of courtney. tonight kids have been setting here for an hour. those kids are not first grade and let's hope this works. today, our in the auditorium and now i'm going to ask you a question answer out loud. what is officer courtney's favorite color? >> red and a who is officer courtney favorite super hero. >> - >> what was officer courtney's favorite food. inaudible. >> he got it right and a last y