determining the number one number of hosted versus non-hosts we have 90 days non-hosted and year round hoftdz this is a new and untested progress weaknesses have to be imposed and currently staffing 3 hundred positions for engrossment of application and turning towards the enforcements the commission planning commission has been supportive of the program to insure the enforcement of the 3wuk9 hamburgers over the last couple of weeks for the authority of 3 additional positions not funded additional positions allow the enforcement to more effectively take in the applications we've received adequacy of the application process applications with sufficient documents to establish retainedcy may show the applicant does not occupy the unit and this is a great concern and the housing staff will be impacted some budgetary resources that help no doubt as we move forward with enforcement we'll be calling upon the city attorney so the costs associated with the enforcement costs will be helpful and appointment for scheduling software for appointments online until the department of building inspection moves