there is insurance definitions that are identical will we can compare how opposite -- compare hohospitalization, and to make e plan more like medigap policies of people can shop on identical plant, then we can drive prices and move toward equality. thank you very much. good luck on this wonderful project you have started. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. i wish to express to you my deep appreciation to present my views this afternoon. the views i expressed are solely my own. they do not necessarily represent the views of heritage foundation or its officers or trustees. you and your fellow committee members are considering an ambitious and comprehensive health care reform proposal. the draft bill contains employer mandate. an individual mandate on american citizens to purchase health insurance is unprecedented. i understand and appreciate the rationale for that mandate to offset the cost shifting and address other problems. individuals have a personal best of ability to protect themselves and pose no unnecessary costs on the rest of us. an individual mandate is a restriction on personal li