this is a short that the studio did called a dream for hokusai, and it's primarily stop-motion. after we were done doing all the stop-motion animation, they handed it over to me to add some computer-graphic effects. the first thing i added was this mist that comes in over this water, and this water is actually just a piece of mylar that's been stretched out across this table here. and this mist was added using the same kind of fractal noise that we were using to do the clouds. i just added kind of like some subtle upward velocity to it and some better lighting as well. as we zoom into the forest and these samurais that are fighting, there's these leaves that were added in. the motion of these leaves fluttering as he's swiping his sword is all defined by using a turbulent noise field, which is basically using fractal noise to interfere with the vectors of each one of these leaves to create -- give it this natural kind of fluttering motion. i think the whole idea of this animation was to bring these paintings to life and to kind of imagine what happened in between this early morni