that would certainly apply to holden coffield as well. these are folks who don't have a political problem, they don't have a class problem but they are alienated all the same place all of the movies, marlin brando, many of his early movies, the wild one for example where he makes a wonderful line a young waitress asks what are you rebelling against and he says what do you got? so those are places you see her rebels and then also bohemia becomes more popular of the time. life magazine is a great job of bringing people from the sort of fringe is into the middle class homes across the country so people were able to pick up their life magazine and look at pictures of the writers like allen ginsberg and look at all one guard writers like jack pollock and folks they probably wouldn't have known much about unless they happened to be interested in the art world or poetry specifically that most middle class white americans wouldn't have known that much about. so those folks as well. >> william f. buckley is the ultimate outsider? [laughter] >> bul