was that some genius in the white house actually was probably holderman. thought well nixon is a technological cluts to say the least, you know, he's very ham-fisted with technology. and as holderman put it no one's ever going to trust you and you're not going to trust yourself to turn on the tape recorder when you want it. so let's have a tape recording system without an on-off switch. imagine it will tape everything will start recording when you go into the room. i mean think of that in your private houses if you had tape recorders that recorded absolutely everything you said whenever you walked into a room or whenever you picked up a telephone. and they thought this was a great thing because nixon wouldn't have to worry about it. but in the end it proved his undoing because the tape system recorded the good the bad the ugly the illegal. and they're very sort of it's not just all terrible things on the table on these tapes. there's some intimate moments with his family his daughters that show nixon in a different light, but there's also of course the ill