people holdn to it for nan credible amount of time and think about the amount of psychic damage being done. imagine it happens when you're four-year-old and you go to college and still don't have your own medical coverage to get counseling on your own. two decades of trying to deal with it yourself. >> and he's forgiven but what about me i'm the victim now. and josh duggar sued the arkansas department of human services before the investigation began and what are the possibilities here? >> that is very mysterious and intriguing. my educated guess, practicing in this area and for years i've worked with sexual abuse. and they were probably working on restrictions of what he could do in the home with those little girls and he probably didn't like the restrictions and was chal chging it and trying to get them to change their order. that's just a guess. i have read the entire police report and it says the little girls forgave him. that's so disturbing to me. what kind of conversation was had with them? did they get to fully voice and process or were they etold, it's time for you to forgive