. -- holidayloween weekend on c-span. ter words," aafe which speaks about how modern warfare has evolved. he speaks with a member of the house select committee on intelligence. isit a look at what i feel the new form of warfare that is emerging in the 21st century. i have covered national security banirs for over 30 years, on over the world, covering these issues. i think it is a reflection all the dust of the information age that we are looking at this new form of warfare, which i call information warfare, and to find that as the technical cyber we have seen so much of in terms of cyber attacks, and russians, the chinese, as well as the content influence type of thing, which really emerged in the last presidential election with the russian -- what has been called the cyber-enabled influence operation. these two things are going to be the dominant form of warfare. >> sunday night at 9:00 eastern 2. c-span holton was the virginia education secretary from 2014 until 2016, setting than when her husband, tim kaine, ran for vic