holla back. holla back. let's try something new. nude pics. send me some. text me. - three... two... - champions! - ( music playing ) - man: but i've got some good buddies... i guess they're helping me figure it out. being used to doing something with a cigarette makes it hard to do it without one. but if i can re-learn to hang out with my friends without cigarettes, then i can re-learn anything without cigarettes. announcer: re-learn life without cigarettes, free, at becomeanex.org. a new way to think about quitting. >>> bob, bring us up to date on what the prices did in the grain this last week. >> in a nutshell, this was a volatile week. >> every week has been volatile. >> since february, the market has been up and down. it has not been able to orchestrate seven or eight days. it does it with some speed. we started out weak and then bounced and came back strong. beans recovered a little bit from the week, but corn was the leader this week. the market is developing in this sideways -- when the theory says the tighter the ban and the longer the ban, when you break up or down,