. >> for example, in holland, michigan. >> holland, michigan. we went there after somewhere we knew in college was from holland. , it is a small town on the eastern shore of lake michigan. economically it is distinctive for having a high manufacturing proportion of gdp. anthropologically it is about 51% dutch, calvinist, conservative. half of one percent are jewish, including our friend who is there, part of a long scrap business. he was sayingo i'm going to go back to holland. we saw him. he has built a culture there with his wife that they have made a life that matters. they have all kinds of philanthropy. it is interesting to listen to the way people talk about their hometowns. you usually hear, in sioux falls, i love sioux falls. ,n other towns, like eastport population 1300, as cold as it can possibly be, the answer is how could i not live here. >> a test case, we haven't been to -- most was a chart of the 10 polluted cities in china. china was like a thousand times more polluted than the u.s.. these are the top 10 cities. one that we went