. >> let me just say that the story of this song was written on the way holley near and joan baez were34 years ago to the steps of city hall. and she wrote this as an anthem, coming 34 years ago to the steps of city hall. so, holley nears, we are angry people. ♪ we are gentle angry people and we are singing, singing for our lives we are gentle angry people and we are singing, singing for our lives we are here together and we are singing, singing for our lives we are gay and straight together and we are singing, singing for our lives we are [speaker not understood] speaking people and we are singing, singing for our lives we are [speaker not understood] speaking people and and we are singing singing for our lives we are a land of many colors and we are singing singing for our lives we are a land of many colors and we are singing singing for our lives we are gentle angry people and we are singing singing for our lives we are gentle angry people and we are singing singing for our lives ♪ [cheering and applauding] thank today on this beautiful summer san francisco morning. it's a little wi