this is from our friends at hollingsworth?eattle lies hollingsworth cannabis company farm. the woods are alive with, well, weed. rows and rows of weed carefully grown and tended to by one family, third generation seattleites, the hollingsworths. and at the helm of the company, these guys, brother and sister duo raft and joy hollingsworth. >> raft: oh, hi! didn't see you there! >> joy: wait, hold on. "oh hi, didn't see you there." >> raft: didn't see you there. >> joy: do you say that? >> raft: -- and then you say the rest of the -- >> joy: no, i can't remember -- >> raft okay, we're gonna do it. >> joy: i'm joy hollingsworth. i got it. >> raft: oh, hi! say it, say it. >> joy: let's take a look -- let's take a closer look, shall we? ♪ >> anthony: while some corporate outfits are rushing to cash in on the new crop, the hollingsworth cannabis company is doing it in a slower, more personal way. solar-powered greenhouses, hand-trimmed buds and hand-packed bags ensure the freshest and highest quality of chronic. they're keeping it a