holmes and hollowell drifted apart over the years. holmes' circle of close friends included few civil war veterans. if his heart was touched with fire in the early 1860's, the fire appeared to have flickered and gone out in later years. or maybe not. perhaps the flame of commitment to a cause with a capital "c" had been transmitted into week amount of values described as such words as duty, honor, professionalism. holmes hinted at such a transformation in his next public reference to the civil war 11 years after his memorial day address when he spoke about the soldiers fate at the ceremony of harvard to award him an honorary degree in 1895. i do not know what he said. i do not know the meaning of the universe. in the midst of doubt and the collapse of creeds, there was one thing i do not doubt. that is that the faith is true and adorable which leads a soldier to throw away his life in obedience to blindly accept the duty in a cause he little understands, and a plan of campaign he has no notion, under tactics of which he does not see t