of the spider game, quick jump skunk, operation game, clyde's car crusher, chip's helmet set, holly hobbie bake over, sew perfect sewing machine, baby grows up beauty salon, dustpan and apron-- talking telephone, dishes, pot and pan, viewmaster, stuffed animals, snoopy ice maker, perfume maker, adorable dolls, stop sign mickey mouse watch--" [ laughter ] she says, "say hello to your reindeer and have a nice flight." [ laughter ] "have a nice flight?" he's not even going to get off the ground! with all the stuff you asked for. stephanie. "dear santa, i wasn't too good this year, but i'll try harder next year. but i only really want one thi that thing i'm talking about is a telescope. can i have one, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top?" telescope with sugar on top? [ laughter ] that's what gabriel wants. "dear santa, i would like army shirt, pants, canteen, helmet, pistol holster and a .44 luger. [ laughter ] like the one on tv." brian, i think [ laughter ] >> sounds steamed. >> call out an airstrike on you. "dear santa claus, i've been a good girl. please bring me some sexy pan