all of these hollywood elitisel, eric, easy cated in o-- educate in our schools, taught to hate mankind. michelle makes the point. if you are so against use of the earth, you want to reduce your environmental footprint stop using so much gas. your life will be worse because of it. the more information we've used the better man's life has become. the environmentalists are against man that's why they're against this. >> and michelle, how many -- >> hollywood doesn't think that wanchts how many of these guys, michelle, are flying around in private jets leaving a massive footprint and then complaining about the carbon in the air? >> all of them. the reason celebrities love this global warming issue, environmentalism, makes them feel better. the democrats don't understand science. they don't understand scientists because they don't realizes what they're doing is bad for the environment, and they don't realize they're a bunch of hypocrites and global warming is not man-made, it's way hyped up than it actually is. >> juan, when you fly in your private jet from d.c. up to new york, give me, you