let it go. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> the holman correction alpha silty is home to 1,000 inmates, all of whom are categorized by their behavior. the best behaved are in the honor dorm. inmates who behave badly are sent to the administrative segregation unit. >> segregation is an area we have 200 inmates. all these inmates are individually celled and all here because they broke a rule here in prison. >> human contact in segregation is limited and interaction with others is minimum. this can take its toll on an inmate physically and mentally. >> they have been in single cells for a long time. they build up hostilities. it's a highly explosive area. >> i did not do what they said i did. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> right now! >> it's another typical day. it's part of it. >> these officers work here on a daily basis, they deal with these inmates and you build up a relationship with these inmates. some are good, some are not so good. >> most people say when i started i wouldn't make it three days. so i had a point to prove and i proved it. then they said i wouldn't make sergeant and if i