columnist holman jenkins writes that the western growth crisis will only be tackled when inflation hits and in reading that, it's like, hey, great! inflation! you mean that when inflation hits and we go, wow, this is bad, and we need to actually fix things it won't -- we won't fix things until we get to the next round. >> i am afraid that's true. a political prediction. we are only going to get the momentum and force to address the growth problems if the public is scared by inflation and gofvernment officials that e can't buy goods and services with the money because it won't be there. we'll just get inflation. >> we had jay powell on. is moral hazard the right word for when central bankers -- we stay at zero for so long that there is no cost to debt, so that these things build up. if interest rates do eventually go up, then you say, wow, did i really do that? i can't afford these payments. >> the moral of the central bankers is that we're buying politicians time to act on these growth things like regulation and taxes. instead they're buying them time to stall. >> it enables the -- >> w