is alboa, albo is the icon of the figure and the holy pea.e escorts, that is, the intercessor. we lift up our prayers for the great needs of the healing of our pagans. ole, so we mayam. eh, shmata healing of these spiritual and what exactly is the truth for 100 thousand. this is a pea, pope urban, 8 in 1629, the catholics became official. bow to this saint on august 16th in 1861, next to the decaying wooden church , it was finally dismantled. in 1901, a neo-gothic stone costume was built, a tool for which not only the catholic community, but also orthodox jews, curiously collected in memory of the miraculous salvation of the city from cholera. it is surprising that despite the ban on the construction of churches introduced in the belarusian lands after the suppression of the klinov uprising, the authorities did not take away the temple on the golden hill and did not rebuild it in a pseudo-russian style. the largest donation for the construction this shrine was made by simon leonovich ignat lyaskovich antonina kaminskaya laconic graceful built