so a respected professional political actor in fairview, holyoke was known as an advocate for latinomunities. i often saw him rushing into political and community meetings after work, still wearing a sport coat and tie or sweater vest for years. julio, a fairview latina advocacy group he worked with, had been involved, along with many other parents, nonprofit leaders and local advocates, in getting the area school districts, to pay attention to the growing student population in their midst. the latino students, many of whom but not all of whom were immigrants in particular, was involved with efforts to promote bilingual education for spanish speaking youth in fairview county, he recalled the years it had taken to get the first dual language immersion bilingual program approved in the district. now, the situation was different, with increased demand for foreign language instruction from monolingual english, white families and a district desire to halt white flight. a school board decision to dual language immersion, bilingual programs to fairview schools came pretty easily, and julio