. >> one of 10,000 homes there tried to get homdone.hese are houses a better never coming back. >> not right now, and up. one family every 20 minutes is moving out. >> these houses are just disappearing from the landscape. >> just recently, 164 firefighters were laid off as part of this downsizing, this effort for the mayor to get the finances under control. so firefighters which detroit needs, it has the highest case of arson in the country, these guys are laid off. about two weeks later, 100 guys are rehired. when you look to see where that money came from, it is homeland security has a fund for things like that. and i do not want to overstate, but that is something that you want to think about. the department of homeland security stepped in to keep the trite as safe as it can be for the moment. it could be safer. but i wonder, and i wondered making this film, we saw and auto bailout, we saw the bank bailout. are we heading into an era of the bail out the city. is there sh