homeland." >> claire danes is cool. >> yeah, she's great. >> what a great, great cast. >> okay. >> season two> season two started up, yeah. you're watching from the beginning or started in the middle? >> i just started from the beginning. >> you need to do it. it's great stuff. >> yeah, how do you turn it off, though, once you start from the beginning? i watched two in a row, and then fell asleep. >> okay. you've got to keep going. >> john harwood's here. >> john harwood, tell us about the concert last night. pretty incredible stuff, huh? >> it was very cool. i don't know, for some reason the nostalgia trip was moving. and the beacon theater is a beautiful facility. i don't know, when they played "southern cross," the place was rocking. >> crosby, stills & nash is unbelievable. a new quinnipiac poll shows chris christie leading 46%-42%. there were polls out earlier this week christie's approval rating way up in the 50s. i tell what you, he'd be a hard guy to beat. i don't think cory booker's going to take that chance. would you agree with me, mark? >> i'd agree. i'd be surprised if he doesn't