. >> that's homeowner kelly martin in california. she's renovating her bathroom. and everything her contractor needs for the job from the new bathtub and the toilet right down to the tiniest nails and screws are all inside this box. >> when you arrive at the job site all of the elements for the entire project are on the job site. which is by far the most efficient way. >> for building contractor chris owner of the bay area canyon construction, that means nothing is missing and therefore no lost time and no expensive delays. >> it definitely results in a savings in the cost. time is money in contracting. >> what we're talking about is mass customization. i would say what we're doing in the bathroom is not dissimilar from what dell does with pcs. dell basically lets you define your pc configuration. and they make it. they have parts on the shelf and they aggregate it and put it in a box and ship it to you in a week. >> john and bill say that big manufacturers are starting to take notice of this new supply chain approach. they see it as an alternative drishs channel