ray davis, who won the 2002 nobel prize in physics for his experiments in the homestake mine. this month, crews are preparing to install a new deep water pump, which should be on line in march. that pump will dewater home state of the way down to 8,000-foot level. south dakota also took a step closer to the national dusel last september when the national science foundation allocated $29 million to the dusel collaboration for scientists who are developing the lab's preliminary designs, and $19.5 million of that goes through the south dakota school of mines and technology. accepting these funds involves the hiring of 26 people that account for 25 ftes. this is good groove that adds to our economy and will create other jobs, stopping it by eliminating these ftes would be a very bad idea. in total the national science foundation already has invested more in $70 million in design and planning for the speed and the initial experiments at the same for the laboratory. none of this would have been possible without the cooperation of the barrick gold corporation, a commitment made by th