Oct 1, 2009
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una entrevista con univisión oscar arias habla de su principal temor, y critica la constituón de honduras> esta constitución es un verdadero adefecio. >>> indonesia se estremece por otro sismo. >>> este es su noticiero univisión. y desde la capitalh@áánoticiero@ cuenta de esto para que todos sean contados. >>> cada 10 años el censo vuelve a pintar un retrato de la nación. el censo 2010 quiere contar a millones. >>> la falta de participación hace un retrato distorsionado, no ayuda a estos h@ y hoy se lanzó una campaña que movilizará a h@res civicos, y que es apoyada por medios como univisión. >>> el mensaje, el censo tdlçzi nuestra presencia política. >>> el censo subestimo a los hispanos, y ahora ira a buscar a algunos de ellos cuadra por cuadra. >>> en marzo distriuirán 120 millones de custionarios. pero hay otros retos, un grupo evangelico, encabezado por miguel rivero, piden que no se inscriban hasta que no sean legalizados. >>> los indocumentados también inscribirse, por r a ser reportados. >>> la presión del gobierno para verificar la documentación de te la legalización. >>> no hay i
una entrevista con univisión oscar arias habla de su principal temor, y critica la constituón de honduras> esta constitución es un verdadero adefecio. >>> indonesia se estremece por otro sismo. >>> este es su noticiero univisión. y desde la capitalh@áánoticiero@ cuenta de esto para que todos sean contados. >>> cada 10 años el censo vuelve a pintar un retrato de la nación. el censo 2010 quiere contar a millones. >>> la falta de participación hace...
Oct 1, 2009
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en estos momentos huoston dynamo con pachuca y en honduras, real espaÑa le esta ganando a comunicacionesa entrenan con el nuevo tecnico de la sele, pero que dicen algunos jugadores de este nuevo proceso con rene simoes y los partidos que se les viene. para terminar el futbol salvadoreÑo e internacional esta de luto. el mitico jugador y tecnico raul alfredo "araña" magaÑa fallecio hoy a las 7 de la noche hora de washington luego de estar luchando contra un cancer desde hace varios meses, al momento de su deceso magaÑa tenia 69 aÑos. fue jugador del atletico marte fas, once municipal, alianza y municipal de guatemala ademas de jugar el mundial de mexico 70 con el salvador. descanse en paz raul alfredo "araÑa" magaÑa. buenas noches @
en estos momentos huoston dynamo con pachuca y en honduras, real espaÑa le esta ganando a comunicacionesa entrenan con el nuevo tecnico de la sele, pero que dicen algunos jugadores de este nuevo proceso con rene simoes y los partidos que se les viene. para terminar el futbol salvadoreÑo e internacional esta de luto. el mitico jugador y tecnico raul alfredo "araña" magaÑa fallecio hoy a las 7 de la noche hora de washington luego de estar luchando contra un cancer desde hace varios...
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Oct 8, 2009
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talks have begun in honduras to try to resolve the confrontation between the interim government that seized power in a coup in june and it ousted president zelaya. regional foreign ministers and officials from the organization of american states are in honduras to mediate. >> their diplomatic patients is being stretched -- patience. ambassadors and foreign ministers are seen trying to convince president micheletti that he has no right to be in the president's chair. he was not convinced. the ousting of his predecessor, he says, was constitutionally legal. reversing it would be against the constitution. the stalemate continues, but for how long? the hope for a solution to the question of who rules honduras for the rest of the year lies in meetings taking place away from the cameras between representatives of president zelaya and the government that forced himut of office at gunpoint. president zelaya himself, who is holed up and down the road at the brazilian embassy and facing arrest believes is trying to set a timetable linked to next month's scheduled elections and which he is not
talks have begun in honduras to try to resolve the confrontation between the interim government that seized power in a coup in june and it ousted president zelaya. regional foreign ministers and officials from the organization of american states are in honduras to mediate. >> their diplomatic patients is being stretched -- patience. ambassadors and foreign ministers are seen trying to convince president micheletti that he has no right to be in the president's chair. he was not convinced....
Oct 2, 2009
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the republican senator bragged via twitter of course that he was headed out to honduras tomorrow. members of his staff also talked to the "new york times" in today's paper, one of the times one of the defacto government has denounced plans to visit the capitol of honduras on saturday. he said he intended to encourage the military leader of the coup and supporterses to resist, to resist the policies of the government of the united states of america? that's what he's advising a foreign country to do? but at the last minute today, there was a dramatic development, the state department, along with senator john kerry, chairman of the foreign relations committee, on which senator demint serves, on the strengths of his ad -- the state department and john kerry blocked senator demint's trip. senator demint then became furious that the policies of the government he supposedly serves has been thwarted. abc news news now reports and we now have confirmation from the senator's office that the trip is back on, because they have done a run around. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell got the
the republican senator bragged via twitter of course that he was headed out to honduras tomorrow. members of his staff also talked to the "new york times" in today's paper, one of the times one of the defacto government has denounced plans to visit the capitol of honduras on saturday. he said he intended to encourage the military leader of the coup and supporterses to resist, to resist the policies of the government of the united states of america? that's what he's advising a foreign...
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Oct 8, 2009
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some are in honduras to mediate.the french spiderman has climbed another building, again using only his bare hands. it was just 36 minutes to reach the top. he was entertained by police, as usual, but no formal charges were brought. every year, hundreds of children in new gone are adopted and first to serve as trial sir -- hundreds of children in new gone the -- in uganda are kidnapped and forced to serve as child soldiers. some went there to try to do something about it. >> from there easy living in california to the jungles of africa. -- from their easy living in california. they wanted to tell a story they thought the mediat home was not covering enough, life and death in africa. >> we as did the rebels, where we saw thousands and thousands of children -- we saw the rebels. they were escaping from being abducted and turned into a child soldiers. -- into child soldiers. >> sometimes the children are as young as 6. some 20,000 of them have been forced into a life of violence. for two decades, the brutality has terro
some are in honduras to mediate.the french spiderman has climbed another building, again using only his bare hands. it was just 36 minutes to reach the top. he was entertained by police, as usual, but no formal charges were brought. every year, hundreds of children in new gone are adopted and first to serve as trial sir -- hundreds of children in new gone the -- in uganda are kidnapped and forced to serve as child soldiers. some went there to try to do something about it. >> from there...
Oct 6, 2009
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el gobierno interino de honduras elimina un obstÁculo para el diÁlogo y más adelante, los datos que sugierenadkp juan! vamos, tu asignah@... tima h ya sh@, sóloida enda. grac tg tima h ya sh@, sóloida enda. >> la economÍa de mÉxico ha sido la mÁs afectada por la situaciÓn global y serÁ el paÍs que tardarÁ más tiempo en recuperarse. >> en mÉxico, la pobreza impactada por la crisis alimentaria y luego por la crisis econÓmica, hizo que pasaron de 14 a casi 20 millones de mexicanos en la pobreza alimentaria. >> el mayor deterioro de mÉxico se debe a su estrecha relaciÓn econÓmica con estados unidos. el presidente calderÓn celebró que mÉxico haya subido un lugar en la escala del Índice de desarrollo humano. >> no podemos permitir que un revÉs econÓmico ponga en riesgo los avances reportados en este informe. >> mÉxico pasÓ del lugar 54 al 53/183 paÍses. los mÁs necesitados no perciben tal desarrollo. >> h@h@ultima horah@tgdhizpqdkp ingresos, sino que sus flujos se han repartido. las familias de los migrantes son las que demandan el dinero de estados unidos. >> con cantos, bailes y poesÍa, los arnt
el gobierno interino de honduras elimina un obstÁculo para el diÁlogo y más adelante, los datos que sugierenadkp juan! vamos, tu asignah@... tima h ya sh@, sóloida enda. grac tg tima h ya sh@, sóloida enda. >> la economÍa de mÉxico ha sido la mÁs afectada por la situaciÓn global y serÁ el paÍs que tardarÁ más tiempo en recuperarse. >> en mÉxico, la pobreza impactada por la crisis alimentaria y luego por la crisis econÓmica, hizo que pasaron de 14 a casi 20 millones de...
Oct 1, 2009
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en honduras,el gono de facto suspendio el toque de queda que ha mantenido varias horas diarias desdeel depuesto presidente, manuel zelaya regreso al pais informo una fuente oficial... una fuente de la presidencia confirmo, sin precisar las causas, que hoy no se aplicara el toque de queda... roberto michelletti, a la vez confirmo que continuan los dialogos entre representantes de ambas partes, pero agrego que todavia no llego el momento de un cara a cara con zelaya... en ecuadorun indigena murio y 40- policias resultaron heridos en scs scmedio de los enfrentamientos registrados como parte de las protestas indigenas que, entre otras cosas, rechazan una ley hidrica... el sector donde ocurrieron los choques se encuentra en la amazonia entre las ciudades de macas y puyo... los indigenas tambien protestan contra la politica minera y petrolera del gobierno... el presidente rafael correa lamento la muerte del manifestante y ratifico su llamado al llego el mop p p o de reponder sus preguntes sobre inmigracion... y para ello estamos nuvemante en compania del abogado jose pertierra... bienve
en honduras,el gono de facto suspendio el toque de queda que ha mantenido varias horas diarias desdeel depuesto presidente, manuel zelaya regreso al pais informo una fuente oficial... una fuente de la presidencia confirmo, sin precisar las causas, que hoy no se aplicara el toque de queda... roberto michelletti, a la vez confirmo que continuan los dialogos entre representantes de ambas partes, pero agrego que todavia no llego el momento de un cara a cara con zelaya... en ecuadorun indigena murio...
Oct 1, 2009
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anunciados por el gobierno.okpwa[Ñpoh@ááuniv-uatq honduras.n de ese organismo regional. tenemos el informe. >> la policÍa sigue dando cumplimiento a las medidas establecidas en el decreto del estado de sitio. trabajadores simpatizantes de zelaya fueron desalojados. >> una mano dura. es una actitud fascista. dictatorial >> el presidente interino roberto micheletti continÚa con las consulta sobre la derogaciÓn del decreto. pero aÚn se mantenga vigente. la prensa hizo eco sobre la informaciÓn segÚn la pase avanza en una propuesta para que zelaya vuelva a la presidencia por un dÍa. para luego dimitir y dejar el poder en manos de un gobierno provisional. >> bÁsicamente el que estamos proponiendo es tener un perÍodo para las elecciones. >> micheletti que habitualmente es categÓrico en su oposiciÓn al retorno de zelaya, esta vez no fue tan contundente. >> el diÁlogo va dando la posibilidad, quiero ser serio. no ha llegado ningÚn momento ahora de sentarse. hay grupos a parte, de las cifras de sectores, platicando, hablando para ver como esa situaciÓn
anunciados por el gobierno.okpwa[Ñpoh@ááuniv-uatq honduras.n de ese organismo regional. tenemos el informe. >> la policÍa sigue dando cumplimiento a las medidas establecidas en el decreto del estado de sitio. trabajadores simpatizantes de zelaya fueron desalojados. >> una mano dura. es una actitud fascista. dictatorial >> el presidente interino roberto micheletti continÚa con las consulta sobre la derogaciÓn del decreto. pero aÚn se mantenga vigente. la prensa hizo eco...
Oct 2, 2009
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. >> el presidente interino de hondura resistiÓ las presiones para que anule el decreto que suspendesarios. me tratando la iglesia catÓlica lanzó una nueva propuesta para finalizar el contexto polÍtico. ♪ >> representantes del gobierno y del derrocado presidente manuel zelaya podrÍan sentarse a negociar para destrabar la crisis polÍtica del país. durante la visita de una misiÓn de cancilleres de la oea segÚn dijo un enviado de la organizaciÓn, despuÉs de reunirse con zelaya en la embajada brasileÑa. >> he hablado con miembros del gobierno del seÑor micheletti. tambiÉn hay una disposiciÓn al diÁlogo que me parece que es una apertura, es algo distinto. >> en tegucigalpa, el obispo lanzÓ una propuesta de diÁlogo en un intento por acercar las posiciones entre zelaya y micheletti.. plantea que representan desde las partes se sienten con la participaciÓn de un mediador nacional y otro internacional para buscar una salida a la crisis. centros se avanza hacia la mesa del diÁlogo, el presidente interino sostuvo que su gobierno podrÁ resistir hasta las elecciones de noviembre. >> podemos aguan
. >> el presidente interino de hondura resistiÓ las presiones para que anule el decreto que suspendesarios. me tratando la iglesia catÓlica lanzó una nueva propuesta para finalizar el contexto polÍtico. ♪ >> representantes del gobierno y del derrocado presidente manuel zelaya podrÍan sentarse a negociar para destrabar la crisis polÍtica del país. durante la visita de una misiÓn de cancilleres de la oea segÚn dijo un enviado de la organizaciÓn, despuÉs de reunirse con...
Oct 17, 2009
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that tie knocked costa rica out and opened a spot for honduras. honduras goes nuts and they're inviting bornsteen to the country to personally thank him. i'm feeling the love right now, aren't you? for hln sports, i'm jeff fishel. >>> dr. lynn baxter looks at the unexpected signs to watch for as we look at women's health beyond the surface for breast cancer. >> a lot of women think the only way a breast cancer can present is a lump that a doctor would feel on exam. that's just not true. there are many other ways breast cancer can show up. one of the most important things to look for is changes in your breast and changes in the skin, such as a dimpling or puckerring of the skin, something pulling the skin inside the breast, or a rash, something that looks like an inflammation on the skin, something that doesn't go away. there are different signs we can see or feel on physical exam, but the most important thing is to try to find these breast cancers when they're early, when they're small, when they're most treatable. >>> it's not just visitors movin
that tie knocked costa rica out and opened a spot for honduras. honduras goes nuts and they're inviting bornsteen to the country to personally thank him. i'm feeling the love right now, aren't you? for hln sports, i'm jeff fishel. >>> dr. lynn baxter looks at the unexpected signs to watch for as we look at women's health beyond the surface for breast cancer. >> a lot of women think the only way a breast cancer can present is a lump that a doctor would feel on exam. that's just...
Oct 1, 2009
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. >> quiero mandar un saludo a mis padres que estÁn en tegucigalpa, en honduras, los quiero mucho y los> como tres aÑos porque entrÉ que decidiera... >> ericaá¿entonces porque estÁs nervioso? >> vas a estar dormido, no vas a sentir nada, de verdad, tienes que relajarte. >> yo quiero que te prepares como que te va a doler. porque si te dicen que no va a doler luego te asustas si duele. >> yo cuando veÍa gente que mostraba en la tele las operaciones que hacÍa yo decía: ¿para qué hacen? >> oye, es mucha sangre. porque es una parte que sangra mucho. >> como dicen ustedes los mexicanos, ya yo sangrÓn. >> mÁs vale que se prepare para algo grave. >> te vamos a decir: ¡sÍ que duele! tÚ vete relajadito, lleva tu mp3, te echas unos tequilas... >> yo voy a estar viendo despierta amÉrica, se puede, en serio. la precisiÓn en la que te operan... mira cÓmo es la posiciÓn, la directora la va a mostrar. a uno lo sientan asÍ, de esta manera te h@tqwa[Ñt]wkp@ >> pero bueno, el caso es que raÚl va a tener... ramones te va a enviar. >> oye, ¿por quÉ me dices que elevado le va a doler si no le va a doler? ch
. >> quiero mandar un saludo a mis padres que estÁn en tegucigalpa, en honduras, los quiero mucho y los> como tres aÑos porque entrÉ que decidiera... >> ericaá¿entonces porque estÁs nervioso? >> vas a estar dormido, no vas a sentir nada, de verdad, tienes que relajarte. >> yo quiero que te prepares como que te va a doler. porque si te dicen que no va a doler luego te asustas si duele. >> yo cuando veÍa gente que mostraba en la tele las operaciones que...
Oct 5, 2009
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the interim government in honduras is lifted the state of emergency.irline pilots are demonstrating across europe against long flying hours that they say are putting passengers at risk. fatigue is a factor in 15% of accidents. the aviation safety agency will be reporting on the issue. it is research into the very essence we are. three scientists in the u.s. have won the nobel prize. >> novell season is upon us and come up first, is the prize for medicine. they decided today to award the nobel prize for physiology or medicine 2009 jointly to -- >> elizabeth blackburn, carol greider, and jack chester all worked in the united states. and they cracked one of the biggest mysteries in size. in order to grow and fill, humans depend on cells dividing and replicating. but how did this work exactly? this is the answer. at the very tips of our chromosomes, there can be teleomeres. they're like shoelaces that keep them from unraveling. without these, we just would not work. the research could have massive implications for all of us. these shoelace and mcgovern the
the interim government in honduras is lifted the state of emergency.irline pilots are demonstrating across europe against long flying hours that they say are putting passengers at risk. fatigue is a factor in 15% of accidents. the aviation safety agency will be reporting on the issue. it is research into the very essence we are. three scientists in the u.s. have won the nobel prize. >> novell season is upon us and come up first, is the prize for medicine. they decided today to award the...
Oct 1, 2009
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. >>> y una delegación de diputados llegó a honduras para evitar un allanamiento, y el presidente michelettieste tema. >>> y elizabeth marc testificará si el hombre que la raptó está competente para ir a juicio. y el llanto de una bebé alertó a policías en colombia, y fue abandonada por su madre en un terreno baldio, y las autoridades esperan que una familia quiera adoptarla. >>> bueno, vuelve a volar el piloto que hizo una hazaña heroica sobre el río hudson, piloteó una vez más por la misma ruta. ♪(música) >>> todo el mundo va a querer volar con él. >>> y más adelante una noble misión le brinda ayuda a cientos de familias que están de cara con la crisis. >>> y tenemos el sorprendente resultado de la autopsia de michael jackson. >>> y jenni rivera dice que está lista para ser madre y abuela. y también le h@esentamos a una nueva estrella. de todas las cosas hechas para mujeres, quizás una de las más importantes... es la nueva centrum ultra women's. una multivitamina completa. tiene vitamina d, que datos científicos recientes... sugieren ayuda a la salud del seno... y más calcio para la salud
. >>> y una delegación de diputados llegó a honduras para evitar un allanamiento, y el presidente michelettieste tema. >>> y elizabeth marc testificará si el hombre que la raptó está competente para ir a juicio. y el llanto de una bebé alertó a policías en colombia, y fue abandonada por su madre en un terreno baldio, y las autoridades esperan que una familia quiera adoptarla. >>> bueno, vuelve a volar el piloto que hizo una hazaña heroica sobre el río...
Oct 8, 2009
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. >> they are still tking in honduras,rying to resolve the confrontation between the internal governmentthateized power in a coup in junand the ousted but rurned president, manuel zelaya. se ar in hondur to mediate. therench spiderman has climbed another building, again using only his bare nds. it was just 36 minutes to reac the top. he wa eertained by police, as usual, but no formal charges wererought. every year, hundreds of children in new gone are adoptednd first to ser as trial sir -- hundredsf children in new gone the- in uganda are kidnapped and forced to serve as child soldrs. some went ereo try to do something about . >> from the easy living in calirnia to the jungles of africa. -- from their easy livingin californ. ty wantedo tell a story they thout the media at hom was notovering enough, le and death infrica. >> we as d the rebels, where we sawthousands and thousands of childre -- we saw the rels. they were escaping fr being abductednd turned into a child soldiers. --nto child soldiers. >> sometimes the childre are as young as 6. some 20,000f them have been forced into a life
. >> they are still tking in honduras,rying to resolve the confrontation between the internal governmentthateized power in a coup in junand the ousted but rurned president, manuel zelaya. se ar in hondur to mediate. therench spiderman has climbed another building, again using only his bare nds. it was just 36 minutes to reac the top. he wa eertained by police, as usual, but no formal charges wererought. every year, hundreds of children in new gone are adoptednd first to ser as trial sir...
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Oct 5, 2009
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the interim government in honduras has lifted the state of emergency that has banned protests and lifted security rights. they have closed media outlets and since the return of the ousted president. microsoft is investigating claims that thousands of pass words for hot mail have been hacked and posted online. microsoft says they will take appropriate steps. the first time that the british security access is allowed access to the secret files, and the head saying that at the time too many were being spied on. >> the activation code, how did you locate it? >> i didn't it, it did it for me. >> our understanding of what britain security service, mi 5 is has from friction and now for the first time they have opened up their archive to tell the story. >> this is the first history of mi-5 that an outside historian has been given access to almost all the files to present day. >> among the allegations that mi-fort myers kept files on henderson because of suspicious contacts, the file was kept hidden but no smear to oust him. and there was places like the union and peace movement, and one member o
the interim government in honduras has lifted the state of emergency that has banned protests and lifted security rights. they have closed media outlets and since the return of the ousted president. microsoft is investigating claims that thousands of pass words for hot mail have been hacked and posted online. microsoft says they will take appropriate steps. the first time that the british security access is allowed access to the secret files, and the head saying that at the time too many were...
Oct 7, 2009
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lksare underway in honduras between the ousted gornment. reonal foreign ministers and officials fromhe organization of american states. in burma the iconic opposition figure has met with the mister from the milary government. we understand the meeting only lasted about half an hour. it is the cond in less thaa week. they wanted toelp negotiaten easing osanctions. the plight of a quartemillion tamils returned by t sri lankan gernment is looking increasingly like a cisis. since the civil war reached its bloody en nearlfive months ago, they ha been prevend from returning home the vernment insists that they muay in camps until they ar screened. they told the bb of their ineasing desperation. two new problems loom, desperation and disease. he said this. >> built-in declared john boll, they hava quarter of a miion of war refugees is a city of tents. people not free allowed to leave, even though the war is er. it isstill run by the security forces. diplomatic visitors say tha conditions have impred. there are still queues for water. it is strictly
lksare underway in honduras between the ousted gornment. reonal foreign ministers and officials fromhe organization of american states. in burma the iconic opposition figure has met with the mister from the milary government. we understand the meeting only lasted about half an hour. it is the cond in less thaa week. they wanted toelp negotiaten easing osanctions. the plight of a quartemillion tamils returned by t sri lankan gernment is looking increasingly like a cisis. since the civil war...
Oct 4, 2009
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. >> reporter: teens travel with doctors and other volunteers to countries near and far like hondurasindia, kenya and vietnam. grace joined them on a mission to china. her job was to spend time with patients and their families and give them comfort before and after the operations. >> that was really, really interesting seeing such courage in such little kids. >> reporter: so what is the most enjoyable or rewarding thing about being an operation smile youth volunteer? >> well, the children wake up from their surgery and they are usually really disoriented and are really scared because they don't know anyone around them, and then we bring their parents in, and they see their kid for the first time, and they start to cry and it's really, really sad but it's an amazing experience because everyone's just so happy. >> reporter: operation smile was started by bill and kathy magee. they decided to get teens involved after their own daughter joined them on a mission. >> we said from now on there will always be high school students on our teams, we will always have university students. they are
. >> reporter: teens travel with doctors and other volunteers to countries near and far like hondurasindia, kenya and vietnam. grace joined them on a mission to china. her job was to spend time with patients and their families and give them comfort before and after the operations. >> that was really, really interesting seeing such courage in such little kids. >> reporter: so what is the most enjoyable or rewarding thing about being an operation smile youth volunteer? >>...
Oct 1, 2009
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dc united hosting honduras and they got smoked. 5-1. are two ways to look at sunday's redskins game against the buckaneers. if they win they will be 2-2 right back in the mix. if they lose they are 1-3 and there could be tea party protests at redskins park if that happens. players return to practice today and did their best to tune out the noise from the fans and media concerning their failures and rather focus on tampa along with the fact that if they win the band wagon will fill up again just as quickly as it cleared out. >> no matter what we do we are going to get ravaged so i told them we have got to forget about all that. it is time for us to start having fun again. >> i think for us as a team we know the talent we have and an opportunity to do something special. >> michael vick is back in the endorsement business. the eagles quarterback signed a deal with nike today. two years after nike dropped this following his dogfighting arrest. >>> just because they are healthy this year is that enough to turn them into a playoff contender?
dc united hosting honduras and they got smoked. 5-1. are two ways to look at sunday's redskins game against the buckaneers. if they win they will be 2-2 right back in the mix. if they lose they are 1-3 and there could be tea party protests at redskins park if that happens. players return to practice today and did their best to tune out the noise from the fans and media concerning their failures and rather focus on tampa along with the fact that if they win the band wagon will fill up again just...
Oct 1, 2009
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. >>> last night at rfk, dc united hosted honduras and they got kicked.d up 4-nil when gomez fires it home. united wins 5-1. >>> there are only two ways to look at sunday's game against the bucks, if they win they are 2-2 and that's right back in the mix. if they lose they are 1-3 and there could be sea party protests at redskins park. the redskins returned to practice and did their best to tune out the noise from fans and media concerning their failure and to focus that tampa and along with if they win the bandwagon will fill up as quickly as it cleared out. >> no matter what we do we will get ravaged. i told them we have to forget about that. it is time for us to have fun again. >> it is like we suck. i think for us as a team we know the challenge we have. and i think we have the tune to do something special. >> maybe they can borrow flip saunders hypnotist. >>> the eagles quarterback signed a deal with nike. this is two years after nike dropped nic voluming his arrest. >>> it is a marketing trick that can lead you to paying more for groceries. >>> and
. >>> last night at rfk, dc united hosted honduras and they got kicked.d up 4-nil when gomez fires it home. united wins 5-1. >>> there are only two ways to look at sunday's game against the bucks, if they win they are 2-2 and that's right back in the mix. if they lose they are 1-3 and there could be sea party protests at redskins park. the redskins returned to practice and did their best to tune out the noise from fans and media concerning their failure and to focus that tampa...
Oct 8, 2009
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representantes del gobierno interino de honduras y del depuesto presidente manuel zelaya iniciaron negociaciones cÓmo fue ese encuentro y que se consiguiÓ en ese primer dÍa. >> las esperanzas con que comenzÓ el diÁlogo se desvanecieron sÓlo horas despuÉs. en una acalorada reuniÓn roberto micheletti increpÓ a los enviados de la oea sobre su posiciÓn en la crisis hondureÑo. >> los discursos que han hecho son totalmente diferentes a eso... a lo que se comprometieron al venir aquÍ. son diferentes porque son que hay que volver a poner a zelaya, y si la decisiÓn de la comisiÓn dice que no, ¿porque ustedes van a imponer eso? >> el lenguaje diplomÁtico fue hecho a un lado en muchas de las respuestas. >> no nos toca juzgar los actos del presidente zelaya. definitivamente no tenemos jurisdicciÓn, no tenemos competencia para hacerlo. pero sÍ, cuando la comunidad internacional entiende que hubo un acto en contra de un compromiso que habÍa sido asumido por un paÍs, la comunidad se ve obligada a intervenir. >> el tono de la discusiÓn dejó claro que no hay posibilidades de un arreglo inmediato que incluya la r
representantes del gobierno interino de honduras y del depuesto presidente manuel zelaya iniciaron negociaciones cÓmo fue ese encuentro y que se consiguiÓ en ese primer dÍa. >> las esperanzas con que comenzÓ el diÁlogo se desvanecieron sÓlo horas despuÉs. en una acalorada reuniÓn roberto micheletti increpÓ a los enviados de la oea sobre su posiciÓn en la crisis hondureÑo. >> los discursos que han hecho son totalmente diferentes a eso... a lo que se comprometieron al venir...
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what is the situation about honduras?enator demint is concerned about our correct policy with regard to the current president who was ousted. he wanted to take a trip to honduras to investigate. as i understand, senator kerry, who has the authority to authorize trips, rejected his request for that trip today. i believe it is because of two holes that exist in appointments that are pending before the committee. that is basically senate gymnastics. sometimes you have to leverage to get something done. host: next call is from dearborn, michigan. caller: the morning, gentlemen. i have been unemployed for a while. i have always been a democrat. i have already lost my vote now at this point. during the election, before the election, clinton and obama said their number one priority was jobs all we're doing is losing jobs. my question to you is this. when you go to cast your ballot for the unemployment -- the uninsured benefits, how are you going to vote? guest: i have generally supported extension of unemployment pop -- compensa
what is the situation about honduras?enator demint is concerned about our correct policy with regard to the current president who was ousted. he wanted to take a trip to honduras to investigate. as i understand, senator kerry, who has the authority to authorize trips, rejected his request for that trip today. i believe it is because of two holes that exist in appointments that are pending before the committee. that is basically senate gymnastics. sometimes you have to leverage to get something...
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what is the situation about honduras?ator demint is concerned about our correct policy with regard to the current president who was ousted. he wanted to take a trip to honduras to investigate. as i understand, senator kerry, who has the authority to authorize trips, rejected his request for that trip today. i believe it is because of two holes that exist in appointments that are pending before the committee. that is basically senate gymnastics. sometimes you have to leverage to get something done. host: next call is from dearborn, michigan. caller: the morning, gentlemen. i have been unemployed for a while. i have always been a democrat. i have already lost my vote now at this point. during the election, before the election, clinton and obama said their number one priority was jobs all we're doing is losing jobs. my question to you is this. when you go to cast your ballot for the unemployment -- the uninsured benefits, how are you going to vote? guest: i have generally supported extension of unemployment pop -- compensati
what is the situation about honduras?ator demint is concerned about our correct policy with regard to the current president who was ousted. he wanted to take a trip to honduras to investigate. as i understand, senator kerry, who has the authority to authorize trips, rejected his request for that trip today. i believe it is because of two holes that exist in appointments that are pending before the committee. that is basically senate gymnastics. sometimes you have to leverage to get something...
Oct 17, 2009
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in honduras they partied in the streets. now the president is invitinge inginge inging borentstein to the country to officially congratulate him. great stuff. mpblt. >>> it's not just visitors moving about a museum in denver. the there's talk the place is haunted. >> it wasn't an evil feeling. it was call and peaceful. >> why would a friendly ghost be lurking around? >>> anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. anthony's lawyers wanted the aggravated murder dismissed claiming they were based evidence. they say a babysilter kidnapped caylee. the little girl's remains were found last december. months after she was reported missing. >>> people who visited work at a museum in denver swear they are seeing things. professional ghost hunters are trying to answer some haunting questions. >> reporter: is history all in the past. >> it wasn't an evil feeling. it was very calm and peaceful. >> reporter: or is it still here with us? >> every single person that has volunteered here at the museum has experienced somet
in honduras they partied in the streets. now the president is invitinge inginge inging borentstein to the country to officially congratulate him. great stuff. mpblt. >>> it's not just visitors moving about a museum in denver. the there's talk the place is haunted. >> it wasn't an evil feeling. it was call and peaceful. >> why would a friendly ghost be lurking around? >>> anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. anthony's lawyers wanted the...