players ofhe tire international community that the united states has made an honest and genuine effort to engage and find ways to makehe siatnetter. esenbh rsd slicy. i think it's the right policy, the sanctions. president obama is doing the same. we ralied support for increased pressures, sanctions and isolation. so i know many of you are saying well, governor come within spitting putting sanctions on iran for a while now. it isn't working. they just accentuate political dispositions f government critics. it's another example of the remes disregard for their general well-being. the sanctions offer another reasonto cricize soald eran arrogan. and i thk somebody said here, a. but i think sanctions as a tool that has to be refinednd ntue buth h t be combinedith new aroachetotalk tothe iranian people. one is through the mekgrup. ateastve the some edily, talto them d nd wa oghe hotbot the other obviously is protect the rights of those that obviously is something that i wasn't aware of until this morning. and a third is how do we communicate with the opposition in america and europe, in iran quakes and somehow, ts oury isreat aen of so power, peoe