these people were on their way to honeymoon lake. watch what they catch on video. watch it in slow motion. >> i didn't see that the first time around. >> charged right at that woman. >> what made it stop? because she didn't run. she just cowered and they're like, nah. >> guardian angel, luck, whatever it is, the bear stopped but as you can see these tourists are doing something that nick would say, don't do that. they were on the side of the road. they were shooting video. that's why these people were slowed down. they were in a traffic jam because all of these people saw a bear on the side of the road including the woman with the camera and as you can see she dodged the biggest bullet she's ever seen in her life. >> these are award nominees at their best. these peel, when they saw the bear in the backyard in their party, they all ran. >> they're so cute. >> they're not cute. >> that's a mom and her two cubs. she came up on the party like hey you having a party in the backyard? everybody ran. the man that got this video, he's an english immigrant to canada and he s