. >>> not the only video from hong ko kong. this with oleg doing something that made my heart skip the a beat on the side of this building. >> don't do it. please. >> yes. on the side of the building. >> dude. >> and then -- >> holy smokes. >> to get the sweat off his palms much like i have right now. before the video ends, i'm assured he's fine. >> that's gnarly. >>> there's a huge culture of people online that like to watch live streaming. this guy is named ice poseidon. he's a popular streamer. he was convinced to do a sleeping stream by the people watching. they wanted to just watch him sleep. so he agreed but on one condition. they could still post their comments, but in order to have their comments text to talk, it would cost them $100 donation. he set it that high because he figured nobody would be that silly to donate. after he did that, he went to sleep. >> okay. i'm going to sleep now. have a good night, everybody. >> here's what happened in the next eight hours. >> he made 8,000 bucks. >> approximately 40 minutes int