things stands because the president pulled back on tariff this week and massiv protests on in hongn hong kong g kong seem separate. but h couldhese two situationse intertwd in w the president deals with it. >> they're definitely inter twind and it depends cha president does, he s weino inteert and there's somest on his adminition that would like to see throw his surprise don't the dem of coursety legislation and trum you thatul d clear the deal for the step uus talks he's having. >> the white house is pulling back on tariffs for the time being these will the whipped that affect phones and computers andon umers pay we ma the price out ofri is tat se as good fame measure moving ahead. they would vr mitoth economiesy prett hart heeds in for long term in terms ever discussions. butng he's still soym demaps when are tougher demand on china he wants them to stop import more of our kid. wants more our companies to be able to opera freely in caking president has been the president has been very open talking about his relationship so far and the fact they golf together. we have a great working relationship.