information its gone foreeer...and what if that serious crime ww on't kkow abouttat the timee a hooicidethat ddtective wouud know about. we don'' have the - information anymore...." (28:30) (davvd rooah) ""or 3toutt there's no need the than a few minutes at most." & at the aclu...atttrney david rocaa says the povernments collection of information on innocent &pmmtooists ii nottabouttsafety but about pying. & (23318) (rrcah) "if aa &ppolicee fficer was followiig us eveeywwere weewent, not ooly would we feel ittwas 3 involled." (23337) (rocaa) "but the privacy implicattons areeexactly the & same.. (26:19) -3 (eisenberg)) "clearly taking -3 a digital photograph of a plicense ppltt when you're on & a public road dooen't even 3 the fourth amendment." - aa the fusionncenter, directors say the iiformation hhssbeen invallable or fiiding iising childden, stolen carss,and hhndrrds of other criiee. 25:45) (eisenberg) ""f we were doing someehing terrrbl it woold be impossible to keep i a secret.... totalll impossible." (32:57) (rocch) "this i a date they hhve nn business having." at the clu, daviidr