to distract the public from the underlying failure to address the cole did challenges coronavirus hooley and swiftly in a coordinated fashion. will this make a difference when we look at the poll numbers they have been sort of frozen. a significant. lead for joe biden and it appears no matter what the headlines are that different stays the same so i suspect what makes this particular election different is just how stable the shares are down you know who knows what happens in the next couple of weeks to change all of the prognosis but it really is looking backwards this is a fear lee robust lead that joe biden has and everything is being done to don't look at the cold virus look over here think about your white identity think about your guns gosh what else can we do to sort of like the wizard of oz keep the wizard hidden from the inspection of the critical yeah and it could be some time with the pandemic obviously all the. mail in voting for some time before we find out the answer oh this is going to be alone what color from the institute for north american studies thanks so much as you'r