so from today's point of view. world medicine hooley flying is not a disease, it is not a disease.have gallstones in your gallbladder. that's when billiard colic appears, when one another, a third appears. we are already talking about the disease and that something needs to be done, proceeding from the fact that this is not a disease. then why do we need to remove the stones, especially these gallbladder stones. are you bored here? well done doctor , so here are these gallstones. how many do you think 10? percentage of people one, two, three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and it is interesting that there was a study in one small italian town, where all of them will be there, either 20 or 30,000 people passed through ultrasound, who did not have any nothing more than 10%, and what we will now operate every tenth to carry out decimation, so we remove only when there were already symptoms of cinnamon. it’s not just that i’m here somewhere here, we all can’t, namely the pain that radiates to the right shoulder. the thing is that billiard mat. only 20% of people with stones. 10% 20 will have stones. co