what can teach doctors about alzheimer's disease followed by biologists carole hooven explaining how testosterone dries behavior. >> some people say that artificial intelligence is going to make a the human race obsolete. people don't want to think that a artificial intelligence, and intimidating subject that the thing about ai is even if you don't want to think about it, it is thinkingut about you, or is ? that will be the question we will be discussing today on this episode of independent conversations. greetings everybody who has joined us. i'm graham walker coming from the independent institute in oakland, california. we try to bring notable experts on aic variety of topics to discuss topics of the day and we think giving your perspective that you're not likely to hear elsewhere, and today we'll be talking with george gilder. let me welcome george gilder to independent conversations. hi, george. [inaudible] >> it's a pleasure to see you again. i met george gilder first, i think it was deep in the winter of maybe january of 1982 in western new york, and you would recently publishe