he was a world war ii veteran, a hoozier, a political activist, a husband, a father. he was a friend, a friend to his fans. he would write back to his fans. he wrote more than 30 pieces of work including praise, novels, short stories, some of his more familiar books are "sudderhouse five" "breakfast of champions," and many other books. he brought in his midwestern roots and wrote about indiana and indianapolis specifically. if i may read a quote, many people ask why should have vonnegut library be here? this quote says "all my jokes are indianapolis, all my attitudeses are indianapolis. if i ever severalled myself from indianapolis, i'd be out of business. what people like about me is indianapolis." we took that as a green light to blsh the vonnegut library. we have a reading room, a gift shop and a bookstore. this is a kurt timeline. i want to read the quote at the top of this beautiful painting which was created by the artist chris king and by a vonnegut scholar named rodney alan. the quote readses, "all moments, past, present, and future always have existed, always