psw noto 10 million according to ithns hopkins universy.idenas m hade tackling the pandic is to pripority. today,e na hmed to members of his covid-19 task force, including any knowledge just -- an immunologist who was - - who was sacked for criticizing e trthump administration's coronavirus response. it also ans merejoining the paris climate agreement. biden's message was dominated by the need tset ade partisanship and uniting during c.pandemi >>th election is over. it me atth is weang, social distancin. we have to come together to heal th e soul of this country, so that we can effectively dresads this crisis, as one country, where hard-working americans have each other's backs, and we arunited ie n our shared goal, defeating this virus. brent: let's take the story now to washington. ou bureau in chief joins me. the tone is radical different fromhat wwe have hed frarom president trump. tells more about president-elect bide''s covid-19 strategy. >> he, indeed, reachedut. o he said again, i want to be the president for all of you. that is ind