horace dediu and ben bajarin and om malik with me.f all horace brought his , two ipads, and if you put them together it shows the size of , the new ipad pro. 12.9 inches. it is huge. horace: approximately 2 ipads. quite a bit more to get the full size. what you end up with is essentially dual screen capability. if you go into portrait mode, for example, you can simulate. as an analyst, we love this stuff. data showing apple versus microsoft. we could do a side-by-side and see changes in the behavior of the two companies. that is just like going from a bathtub to a swimming pool. the way i see it, it is all containing water, i just so much more room. emily: john, do think the ipad pro is enough to bring ipad sales back to life? john: i think it is enough to move the needle a little bit. we were certainly expecting it. there was some foreshadowing with the announcement of ios9 and some of the capabilities that horace dediu is demonstrating right now. it is priced at the surface pro 3. according to intel about one billion pc's in the wor