as the newspaper editor horace greeley said at the time, there was 40 times the reason for shooting him in 1861 than there was in '65. and at least 40 times as many intent on killing him or having him killed. greeley was sitting behind lincoln when he delivered his first inaugural address, and he spoke of expecting at any moment to hear lincoln's words arrested by the crack of a rifle. but he said, no shot was then toured, however, for -- was then fired, however, for his hour had not yet come. as for pinkerton, he came to regard the episode as the highlight of his career even if, as he freely admitted to william herndon, lincoln's law partner turned biographer, that he had come upon the whole thing by a lucky chance. he said, from my reports you will see how accidentally i discovered the plot. i was looking for nothing of the kind. and had certainly not the slightest idea of it. but on his tombstone here in illinois, one finds the following inscription: in the hour of the nation's peril, he conducted abe hamlin con -- the abraham lincoln safely through the ranks of treason to the scene