concerned you're horatio alger books is a little late because we have reached such a sophisticated level of attachment from people it's really going to be a hard sell and by the way i'm a lifelong catholic so i have the same admiration for the sisters and the fathers that you do. i'm not that happy with what butened at the top nevertheless that's my philosophy so thank you. i am a lotiate it to more optimistic and hopeful than you are. service as a your police officer. send me an email. i will send you a signed copy of the book on me. with love and respect i can persuade you that all is not lost. that in point of fact in america we can actually introduce our leaders. right now we are being victimized and will lead by this outrage industrial complex and martin luther king was assassinated, i know it. he had only 33% public support for the eye -- his ideas. he didn't lose in the end. americans agree with him. he is venerated. does that mean he got to enjoy that level of adulation and respect earned his lifetime? no but that's not why he did it. he loved his country and he loved his fellow