and then to show how complicated this becomes, the governor of new york, horatio seymour ordered the general put on trial in municipal court in new york city for trespass, kidnapping, forcible entry and inciting to riot. the poor judge who heard the case didn't quite know what to make of it. he sort of issued a half-hearted ruling saying the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus was in part unconstitutional and general dix is subject to civilian indictment. if the general could close down a civilian newspaper, then a civilian court could indict a jebl but they didn't indict the general. nothing really happened. the world case remains something of a mystery but it was one case in which lincoln himself is known to have signed that document that indicated he believed the loin had been cross, separating fres freedom from criminality and treason. i realize i offered an avalanche of evidence and i don't want to convict abraham lincoln, especially to this distinguished audience of judges so let me suggest here that in my own view, lincoln deserves to be judged not only by what happened bu