dan, horeb and i head for a local restaurant. be a challenge soon, so we take the opportunity to fill up on what we can. grilled chicken, gugali, pirripirri pepper, pretty nice meal. >> goma in the '50s, tourists used to come from as far as rhodesia up here to vacation. >> amazing life. i remember in my childhood seeing lions just alongside the road. goma was a choice place for some time. >> they're not coming anymore? >> no. >> no? you're saying no? >> it's a red zone. it's looking like there won't be house-to-house fighting or artillery or mortars or anything dropping into goma. was today a good day? >> we have a rebel group just ten kilometers north of us, and maybe seven other rebel groups that are all caught in the blender. so. >> things change quickly in the congo. >> confused yet? virtually all of the eastern part of the country is being contested by rebel groups -- some local and others allegedly acting on behalf of interests based in neighboring countries. recently, the largely tutsi rwandan backed m-23 has been active i