the proposed project will not remove distinctive materials such as the horizontal shiplap siding existing 2 over 2 double hung wood windows and hoods and decorative pairapet, 94 alter spatial features or spatial relationships that character triez the property or the district. the roof deck will have a simple design that is compatible with the building that is compatible with the district and the addition will not be visible from the public right of way and finally if the proposed addition is removed in the future the essential floor of the historic building and integrity of the historic front facading remain intact. based on these findings the department recommends approval with conditions of the project as specifically outlined in the draft motion, including prior to the issuance of architectural addendum, the following shall require review and approval by the planning department preservation staff. 1, final details for the restoration of the historic building facade and a window and door schedule in the final permit drawings. 2, final details of the new addition including window, door a