and one of those choices might be where we work. >> to you now professor hornbeck let's talk about the public sphere. do you agree with critics who say government laws and regulations are interfering with religious teachings? taking up the case of the little sisters of the poor, rejecting a government effort to attach contraceptive insurance to their insurance plan, they objected to the principle of it being attached. how do you reconcile that kind of situation? >> randall, that's a great question and this has been something that's been in the news for at least the last eight or nine years. ever since the debate on the affordable care act began, there was a question of reconciling religious liberties from the government. what gets confused is we talk about the american value of religious freedom. the very first people who came to america were not seeking religious freedom for everyone, they were seeking religious freedom for themselves. most of the original colonies wanted a place to practice religious freedom for themselves. all too often sometimes these historical ideals were invoked