this is the hornby bible. this is probably, in my very biased opinion, one of the most substantial and beautiful items we have in the rare books and manuscripts collections. and what the hornby bible is, is an example of an early 13th century transitional bible. what i mean by that is medieval bibles by and large, um, did not look at all like bibles as we think of them today. they tended to be in larger volumes, larger pages than even this, and they -- to have a complete bible, you likely would have had a bible in a multivolume set, usually anywhere between6-20 or even more volumes n. the early 13th century, however, a number of changes were happening in europe that necessitated the creation of a new type of bible. and the hornby bible, um, is a result of that. what happened in the early 13th century, to put things very, very simply, is that you had the emergence of the universities, and you had the emergence of the fraternal orders or the orders of fry cars, the dominicans and francis cans. one, let's take th