well, he hasn't done that in the past three days, so everybody suddenly is saying, hosanna, oh, my lordit's finally happened, the new donald trump, donald trump 2.0. look, this campaign cannot be rebooted without media assistance. and our job, i think, is not just to accept what we see, but to say who is the real donald trump, to ask this question: is it the candidate you've seen for the past 428 days who's been attacking mexicans, muslims, women, even the handicapped, or is it the candidate you're going to see for the next 81 remaining days of this campaign who's going to be able to read a teleprompter well, and if his managers and handlers have their way, stay on message? we don't know the answer to that question yet, but that's what i'm going to be watching for, one of the things i'm going to be watching for. jon: let's take a look at one of things he said during that big speech in north carolina. i want you to give us your assessment. here he is. >> we are one nation. [cheers and applause] when one state hurts, we all hurt. and we must all work together to lift each other up. i hope