you think he's a puppet, he's between the khomeini and mir hossein mousavi, but really has no par. >>rom the beginning, he has not been a player, and particularly over the last three months, he's no longer a figure. and your concentration, the word attention to this issue is absolutely extra ordinary and necessary. it's a nonviolent context in the midst of a violent context. given the demographic aspect of this movement, 50% of the population is under the age of 25. the reason it has this global resonance -- >> because they are -- >> is precisely that you have a nonviolent civil rights uprising, mostly charged by young people. >> and young educated people with the tools to go online. >> the class -- the socialist structure is really widespread, is not tehran based, is not upper middle class, is none of that. is really spreading all over the country. >> if you need to get away, get some sunshine, warmth, day at the beach? not as pleasant as it sounds. 55 degrees. that's the temperature in miami beach right now. at 10:22 eastern time. or 10:24 as it says there. parts of florida feeling