printing and delivery of a special passport for arbaeen hosseini ali las two days of joint public security of iran and iraq with the presence of hadi saki, advisor to the minister of interior and chief of staff of arbaeen iraq, and seyed majid mirahmadi , deputy minister of police security , were held in mashhad with the honorable delegation. iraqi and mr mr. kay was done in a section of non-arbaeen issues, including the issue of border security , dealing with terrorist groups, dealing with the flow of arms and drug trafficking, and other organized crimes , and the head of the country's arbaeen headquarters agreed to establish a joint arbaeen hosseini operation between the two countries. it was announced that they could cross the chazaba border , dear pilgrims. there is a special program for arbaeen, which was agreed that we will print and deliver a special arbaeen passport that will be cheap for our dear pilgrims. it increases significantly and they agreed they also agreed that the passports whose validity has expired should be renewed for arbaeen travel only. the adviser to the minister