saudi arabia yemen and what the future will bring we recently sat down with just foreign policy is hot l. tell you tell you one of the hard working citizens who actually help frame. legislation to a vote on the senate floor first part. so i want to thank you for coming on the show today and i want to start by observing that it has been a very very up and few weeks politically for the plight of yemen here in washington d.c. after the offsetting votes that we saw between the senate and the house where do things currently stand in the u.s. congress on the u.s. involvement in the war. well it's been a historic week in one nine hundred seventy three congress passed the war powers resolution and in that time it's never actually passed the senate so what happened yesterday was absolutely historic fifty six senators voted to end u.s. involvement in saudi arabia's war in yemen so so wonderful moment just before the day before that actually the house of representatives they had a similar vote on h conrad's one forty two and through some kind of shady behind the scenes rules votes they actually killed th