they have been blocking a lot of the spam that was hitting already so we had a small impact with hotmail but some other organizations particularly private companies, they saw huge drop-off because the big spammers would really be sending e-mail to hotmail because they knew we were lobbying and i'm assuming gmail and yahoo! have similar countermeasures. they said they largely manage the spam issue but the thing we saw when we were watching our honeypot, it was sending it out to a whole bunch of different domains, so we definitely saw hotmail spam leap at that spam would never make it into an inbox because of the filtering on our site. i don't know what the real number is but i know when we start to look at these things going back to the original question, and look at how many millions of my customers are being impacted by this malware is its running something else, just based on our testing. we look at a little differently. spam gives us cause to sit in a courtroom and say hey they are harming us but i look at how many of my customers are being impacted. when we started to look at it in p