to the house of fimeda with gadgets and a thirst for the next show. self-proclaimed activists, accustomed to recording every step on camera, came to court with their fingers tightly clenched on the red start button. before the verdict , stopham provoked his comrades in the long-dead movement. representatives of the media explained in a highly intellectual manner, you, looking at the book, see nothing, you present everything as if they were activists, provocateurs. as if, trying to find the guilty, they so zealously defended the three in the glass box, kirill bunin, kirill kotov and alexey gorbachevsky. the trio was charged on two counts: hooliganism and use of violence against government officials. over thirty witnesses were questioned. video recordings recording the unlawful actions of the defendant were examined and confiscated. the investigation obtained irrefutable evidence confirming the involvement of accomplices in the criminal acts accused of them. surrounded by a convoy, watching their relatives through a cold, bulletproof prism, with languid